As you can see in the picture, there are green beans on the side, which also came from the CSA box, but are often frowned upon by many Paleo-followers so I will not speak of them... ha ha!
So, another week with those persimmons in the box and what to do?
Bake them with spices!!!
Here is what you'll need:
2 persimmons, peeled and sliced into 1" pieces
Olive oil (about 1.5 TBSP)
Sea salt (gasp... another non Paleo item)
Garlic powder
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a small 8"x8" pan, place the persimmons and drizzle them with the olive oil. Sprinkle each of the spices on the persimmons evenly, be generous, but do not go overboard. I would say about 1 teaspoon of each (except the salt and pepper, for those use sparingly). Bake for 50 minutes.
For the Pork Chops, I bought the thin lean cuts from Trader Joes, I sauteed them for 3-4 minutes on each side in a pan with olive oil and a little salt and pepper.
Top the pork chops with the persimmons and enjoy!
This is an awesome easy fall dinner! I love the contrasting textures and flavors.